MYmind is a mindfulness program especially for children with ADHD, autism or behavior disorders and their parents. The purpose of MYmind is to teach children how their attention works, to become aware of their own attention problems and to focus their attention. By becoming aware of their own emotional and behavioral reactivity, also in meditation, they learn to better regulate emotions and behavior. Especially for professionals who work with children with these problems, for example as a psychologist, pedagogue or psychiatrist, the Teacher Training MYmind Mindfulness for Kids is given.

Nota: a sessão será em língua inglesa

Preço e condições de pagamento

O valor da sessão é 15€.

Sobre a Formadora / About Susan Bogels

A professora Dra. Susan Bögels é psicoterapeuta clínica, especializada em terapia cognitivo-comportamental e mindfulness para crianças, pais, famílias e empresas. É professora de Mindfulness na University of Amsterdam (UvA), fundadora do laboratório da família UvA e do centro de tratamento académico da UvA, no qual intervenções cognitivo-comportamentais e de mindfulness baseadas em evidências são oferecidas a famílias com psicopatologia.
Os seus principais temas de investigação são a transmissão intergeracional da psicopatologia pelos processos familiares e o custo/ eficácia das intervenções baseadas no mindfulness. Muita da sua investigação, realizada por investigadores de excelência, tem recebido prémios. Publicou mais de 200 artigos em revistas científicas internacionais, muitos capítulos e 14 livros. Os seus livros sobre mindful parenting são traduzidos em vários idiomas e as intervenções de mindfulness desenvolvidas por ela e seus colegas são usadas em todo o mundo. É editora da revista de sucesso (fator de impacto 3.6) Mindfulness (Springer).

Prof. Dr. Susan Bögels is a licensed clinical psychotherapist, specialised in cognitive behaviour therapy, and mindfulness for children, parents, in families, and in companies. She is professor in Mindfulness at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). She is the founder of the UvA family lab and the academic treatment centre UvA minds, in which evidence-based cognitive-behavioural and mindfulness interventions are offered to families with psychopathology. Her main research themes are the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology by family processes and the (cost)effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions. Her fundamental research was awarded with several personal grants for excellent researchers (Aspasia, VIDI, VICI). She published over 200 papers in international scientific journals, many chapters and 14 books. Her books on mindful parenting are translated in several languages and the mindfulness interventions developed by her and her colleagues are used worldwide. She is associate editor of the successful journal (impact factor 3.6) Mindfulness (Springer).



9 de julho de 2019


Susan Bogels

Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher and Professor at the University of Amsterdam. Mindfulness teacher training for professionals worldwide. She publishes on mindful parenting and mindfulness for children.